Biogas Digester
This section deals with environmentally friendly Biogas Digesters.
Please contact our Environmental Engineering team via oo233542754453
Call 0542574453 or 0303938974 for any queries and/or assistance
Brick , Brickworks and Services
This section deals with brick products and services. Do you want buy bricks or you need advice on brickworks and services?
Call 0542574453 or 0303938974 for any queries and/or assistance
Chinese Security Doors
For all your chinese security doors search through this section of our shop and order online.
Ghana Construciton Cost Indices
The CIEIG Ghana Construction Cost indices provides cost data on 44 (+3) Construction Works Items. Published monthly online. Spans over 2 decades of rare data. Call 0542754453
Timber Products
This section of the shop provides you all the products that are derived from timber.
If you have any queries please call 0542754453
Video and Photography
Are you looking for professionals who can deliver video and photography products to meet your demands in the construction industry.